We pride ourselves on providing a tailored service to each person we work with. We use all parts of a person’s identity, our academic and lived experience, to ensure we advocate fully. With a cultural understanding, we work to increase disability awareness among our racialised groups. We work with all families to ensure that they are aware of their rights and have the provision they are entitled to.
Children and young people can present with anxiety and often trauma if their needs are not correctly identified making the learning experience a negative one. It is not uncommon, for the school to report the child is “fine in school”. As a qualified specialist teacher, I can assess and identify needs by offering a:
Full Comprehensive Assessment of needs – a range of assessments with a comprehensive report – which may include the following: reading skills, math skills, spelling, and comprehension, social skills, sensory, behaviour, social thinking and communication. £720 (not including mileage)
Assessment packages and costs may be customised after the initial telephone consultation.
- Adapt classroom activities and/or resources to engage your child
- Contribute to the provision and support for a child with an Education, Health and Care Plan if necessary
- Develop and implement individual education plans where appropriate
- Support your child consistently whilst recognising and responding to their individual needs
- Promote independence and employ strategies to recognise and reward achievement of self- reliance
- Creation of an Education Otherwise than at School or in College package (EOTAS/IC).
General Advocacy
It is sometimes confusing and frustrating for parents and carers to get the support their young person may need. The SEND processes are so long and fraught with paperwork, meetings, legal jurisdiction and assessments. This sometimes gives rise to difficult situations and unfortunately can result in having to manage conflict with your education setting. Together we will work with you to give you the options and let you make informed decisions, just taking it one step at a time.
We offer a free consultation where you will have the opportunity to discuss your circumstances, and this enables us to provide tailored guidance and advice explicitly related to your individual situation. From the consultation, we can help you take the steps to get the right outcome for your child or young person, within what the law and regulations allow.
£80.00 per hour.
- Attending meetings.
- Supporting with the Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment Applications.
- Education, Health and Care plan draft reviews.
- Supporting applications for appeal and case management.
- School disability discrimination applications.
- Funding applications e.g. Blue Badge, PIP, Transport applications, Disability Student Allowance etc.
- Disability Rights
Schools and Placements Searches
- Contacting placements and arranging visits.
- Creating a placement report.
- Accompany you on school visits.
- Approximately £640